Just a little note:

I'm just setting this up! More to come soon!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

General Updates: Whats working, whats not and where we are going from here!

The ArduIMU, Which handles the accelerometer and GPS data is working well, I need to fine tune the accelerometer output but its functional.

My initial plan was to then control my sensor array from the XMOS, well that turned out to be a bad idea... The XMOS doesn't have any built-in support for analog sensors and since I'm using infrared and ultrasonic sensors that output analog data thats a no go...

Solution?... Use an Arduino to control the array and send the data back to the XMOS via serial, I haven't decided exactly how I'm going to do that yet but here are my ideas... It looks like I can setup a UART for each controller (ArduIMU and Arduino) and funnel data directly from the uC to the XMOS. If thats not possible my other alternative is to go through a PC intermediary... I already have a PicoITX system on the ROV now so thats not really a problem if I have to go that route... my main concern is using up too many threads on serial communication.

Now I'm having a hard time getting my arduino to behave the way I want it to with this sensor array :( but I'm hacking it out. I'll try and get some screen shots and code posted soon.


  1. Have you thought of using an adc chip to get the analog signals into the digital xmos?

    Having the same problem with xmos, no adc.

  2. No I find the arduino too easy to use and cost effective though overkill I admit
