Just a little note:

I'm just setting this up! More to come soon!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Been a while since I've updated...

Long story short, I have started a new job that is keeping me out on the road 4 nights a week, needless to say I'm not getting much work done right now... I have alot of brainstorming going on while I'm out but I'm not getting a lot of time to work on it at home which is fine... now is a good time to take a step back and reevaluate this project and some others I have going to choose the proper direction to continue... I will certainly be finishing this project I just wont be getting much done over the next 2-3 months... As I said though I will get some brain storming done and I will post ideas I am having etc on the blog here so I wont be gone either... First post about protos upgrade ideas should hit this week...

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